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Lot 13 - +Mr. V8 380/6 Semen

High bid
12 years 25 weeks 6 days 15 hours 34 min ago
Lot Information:
+Mr. V8 380/6
+JDH Karu Manso 800
Miss V8 170/6
BW:4.2 WW:33.5 YW:44.4 M:10.8 MARB:0.08 TEND:0.07

Purchas Price = 5 times Final Bid

What can you write to accurately describe the unbelievable impact this young sire has made at V8 Ranch. One of the youngest bull to ever enter the Register of Renown.  The sire of more champions at V8 Ranch than any other bull in the past 5 years.  Siring champions at every level in both the United States and South America. Quite simply this bull is it. He has everything that the Brahman breed so badly needs right now: performance, extreme muscle, eye appeal, outstanding carcass merit, and perfect in his feet and legs. Five years ago we began saying that 380 was going to be the next great sire at V8, and he has made that prediction come true. This bull fixes structure problems. This bull adds performance and muscle to plainer, smaller made, compact cows that need more growth and eye appeal.  380 is just a sheer beef machine, solid mass and simply overwhelming and totally balanced in his phenotype. Yet, he moves like a cat…and that is probably the combination that sets him apart from other bulls.
380 sires champions. From his first calf crop in 2009 to present, he has sired division champions and class winners at the 2009, 2010, and 2011 National Brahman Shows and the 2010, 2011 and 2012 International Brahman Shows. His progeny have won repeated get-of-sire championships at all levels. This year he sired national show winners in Venezuela and Honduras. He is the sire of the most cattle in the V8 showbarn over any other sire. He has so many championship progeny and high sellers, we just can’t list them here, but you can see them all at, especially on our show cattle page, where the 380 offspring dominate.
We have always offered semen on 380 internationally, and these sales have sky-rocketed over the past 6 months after international friends saw him and his offspring at the ranch. He is easily the top selling semen sire at V8 Ranch over the past 2 years.
Only on 2 occasions, both privately, to very loyal dear friends and customers, have we sold semen domestically. This will most definitely be the only public offering of this semen in 2012, and possibly in future years as well. This is the best of the best from V8 Ranch. This semen is genetic gold that should be used to AI or flush your best possible cows.
We are offering 5 units of semen, and 5 certificates. If the buyer needs additional certificates, they can be purchased for $250 each.


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