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Lot 13 - Mr MK Vernon 349/1 - 10 Units of Semen

High bid
9 years 19 weeks 5 days 18 hours 59 min ago
Lot Information:
Mr MK Vernon 349/1 - 10 Units of Semen
5M Mr Ringer Roho Vernon 044
MK Loja 137
BW: 1.0 WW: 6.5 YW: 15.6 M: 5.3

Final Price is 10 x Bid Price

Here is an opportunity to get semen on a past National and International Champion Red Brahman bull. +Mr MK Vernon 349/1 won both titles before he was a two year old. His dark red color, beefy characteristics and his flawless structure made him a judge and crowd favorite.

He is sired by 5M Mr Ringer Roho Vernon 044, a bull that I bought to use in the Hudson Cattle Company program years ago. 044 was a large framed bull who was perfect on his feet and legs and extremely heavy muscled.

349 is out of one of McKenney Farms best females, +MK Loja 137. If you are looking for some genetics to compliment some of today’s genetics, this bull would be perfect.

We are selling 10 units of semen with the option to double your purchase.



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