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Lot 13 - Miss RB 871/3 “Salerosa”

High bid
8 years 50 weeks 4 days 13 hours 23 min ago
Lot Information:
Miss RB 871/3 “Salerosa”
MISS RB 649/3
BW: 2.7 WW: 23.7 YW: 38.1 M: 3.6

Selling 100%, RB Ranch is reserving the right to one flush following her show career.  

Miss RB 871/3 “Salerosa” is a very complete heifer that makes you think of greatness, she is a moderate frame individual with tons of red meat and excellent bone. Her rib cage gives her the capacity that all prominent breeders are looking for. As we mentioned before, her sire Monumental is a perfect match with El Rey’s daughters, in this case her dam, Miss RB 279/2, is a beautiful donor cow sired by JDH Union Manso 455/3. Miss RB 871/3 moves easily like a top model on the runway. Picture yourself, your daughter or son or your grandkid leading “Salerosa” into any show.


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