You have to love this December halter broke Golden Certified F-1 Heifer. For the past 10 years we have been producing F-1 heifers that have been winning at all levels. Just two years ago we were recognized at the competitive San Antonio Livestock Exposition All Breeds Sale with the Champion Open Heifers. In addition, our heifers have won many county fairs in the State of Texas. This young female is sired by a Registered Hereford Bull from Bill Breeding in Miami, TX. Many will associate the Breeding name with numerous champions most recently with the Supreme Champion Bull in Denver. The dam to this beautiful heifer is a female that we purchased from Dr. Bob McCandless that combines some of the most growth and carcass-oriented genetics of the Brahman breed. If you are looking for a show heifer or just a good gentle F-1 this is the one!