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Lot 13 - Miss Dubina Rose 262/9 - Replacement Heifer

High bid
4 years 23 weeks 6 days 6 hours 11 min ago
Lot Information:
Miss Dubina Rose 262/9 - Replacement Heifer
Mr. V8 740/7
JDH Miss Soto Manso
Dubina Rose Ranch


If you have read each of our descriptions you probably think we “copied and pasted” each one as they all emphasize the same important Essential 3 P’s of pedigree, phenotype, and performance.  We feel that if cattle possess all three of these then they can fit any program anywhere.  There is no doubt that Miss Dubina Rose 262/9 hits the target as she is well built starting at the ground with a structural integrity, big middled, long bodied, level made, thick ended and look at her great breed character and pigmentation.  For the students of the breed you are going to appreciate the genetics behind this elite female.  She is sired by Mr. V8 740/7 who was our herd sire that we purchased from the V8 Ranch Bull Test and Online Sale after he was the highest-ranking bull on test for WW, YW, and REA.  Not only is he performance packed but comes with a breed leading pedigree with both his sire and dam reaching the Register of Renown.  His sire is +JDH Sir Avery Manso that did V8 Ranch such a great job with many of their current top producers coming from him.  The dam to Mr. V8 740/7 is +Miss V8 58/6 who is also the dam to Mr. V8 274/7 “George” and the granddam to Mr. V8 933/7 “Yeti”.  The dam to Miss Dubina Rose 262/9 is JDH Miss Soto Manso who was the second highest selling consignment in the 2013 International Brahman Sale at $40,000.  Miss Soto is sired by the legendary Vanguard Sire (+)JDH Sir Lawford Manso whose influence can be found in 25 of the J.D. Hudgins herd sires and her dam is the Maternal Merit Cow =JDH Ms. Aimin Manso who is also the dam to JDH Sir Sheffield Manso 13/9 who J.D. Hudgins is currently using in their herd.  By now you know enough about the Dubina Rose Ranch cattle that they must be in the forefront for performance and 262/9 meets that criteria being low birth weight, high growth, ranking in the top 1/3 of the breed for milk and ribeye area, and top 12% for marbling.  There is no question that Miss Dubina Rose 262/9 has the essentials to be a leading female in any operation no matter their emphasis! 

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