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Lot 13- Miss 4F 53/8

High bid
5 years 35 weeks 3 days 23 hours 47 min ago
Lot Information:
Lot 13- Miss 4F 53/8
Polled Scurred Brahman Heifer
LMC LF Polled King 100/6
Lady H Isabella Manso 906/6
BW 1.9, WW 28.7, YW 43.9, Milk 6.7
4F Cattle Co.

Lot 13 

Miss 4F 53/8 is one of the longest, thickest heifers we have ever raised. She gets it honestly from her champion sire, LMC LF Polled King that sells as Lot 5 and will be one of many great opportunities in this sale. We are keeping her full brother to replace her sire but if you are looking for a major league herd bull that is polled, clean, thick, correct and good looking all supported by a phenomenal pedigree, check him out as Lot 5. He has all of the good things that progressive breeders are looking for to add consumer demand to their next calf crop. 

I do not know if you can make one any whiter, thicker or cleaner. She will make her new buyer a real good cow after her show career. Her dam’s sire is an own son of the famous International Champion and carcass leader + JDH Karu Manso 

Buyer will get two units of any 4F Cattle Co. sire to AI her to which include LMC Polled Sambo, LMC ECC Polled X Factor and 4F Iceman. These heifers can be seen at LPJ Ranch close to Linn anytime. For more info please contact Louie Flores at 956-457-0205.


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