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Lot 13 - LN Ms Goldmine C25 - Yearling Purebred Simbrah heifer

High bid
8 years 43 weeks 6 days 1 hour 9 min ago
Lot Information:
LN Ms Goldmine C25
Yearling Purebred Simbrah heifer
SS Goldmine L42
LN Ms Casanova Z22
bw 1.1 ww 46.2 yw 51.6

Consigned By: La Negra Cattle Co.

LN Ms Goldmine C25  is an outstanding smooth polled, black Purebred Simbrah replacement heifer that offers a great look and some great proven genetics.  Ms Goldmine is as long bodied a female as you can make. Not only is she extended from end to end, but she is sound, angular and well muscled.  In addition, she is feminine, attractive and balances up very well.  C25 offers some new proven genetics to the Simbrah breed. Ms Goldmine is a first generation Purebred Simbrah that is sired by one of the best and most productive Simmental bulls in modern history, SS Goldmine.  SS Goldmine has proven time after time to produce some of the most sought after females in the Simmental breed  for both the show ring and the pasture. On the bottom side, she is out of a 3/8  5/8 Simbrah daughter of  our International Champion Simbrah bull Cowboy Casanova.  Her maternal grandam, La Muneca 512  is a polled Brahman cow that  is the matriarch of  La Negra's Polled Red Brahman herd. LN Ms Goldmine C25 sells open with two units of semen on any La Negra Cattle Company bulls.

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