Lot 13 is another high performing, high marbling Polled Herd Bull Prospect with a 122.05% Average Daily Gain Ratio, 102.49% Marbling Ratio, 102.84% Scrotal Ratio for a 105.92% RGVBIA ratio making him the Reserve Junior Brahman Champion Bull on the test. His paternal grand dam was one of our more productive Double A cows that raised five herd bulls in a row. She goes back to three very popular V8 sires – “Tommy Bahama, +MR V8 287/5 and + MR V8 189/4.
He is sired by LMC Polled Integrity, one of the most upstanding and proven sons of our world renown +LMC LF Ambassador, one of only three POLLED bulls in the prestigious ABBA Register of Renown. We sold ½ interest in Polled Integrity to our good friend and client Kelly Barnard from Kansas and brought him home a few years ago when we saw how good he was doing for them. WE now own him with England Cattle Co.. His cattle are long bodied, smooth made, good looking, productive cattle with lots of muscle and breed character. We are selling a great set of Polled Integrity daughters in our upcoming LMC GenePLUS XXVII Online Sale that starts March 23rd.
This bull’s dam is sired by LMC Polled Samson, one of our better carcass sires sired by our Foundation Sire LMC WFF Pistolero and our Register of Renown Samantha cow. The bull’s maternal grand dam is a straight JDH pedigreed cow that goes back to the great (+) JDH Sir Marri Manso. All of these bulls selling are FERTILITY & TRICH TESTED and ready to work. THEY ARE THE TOP OF THE TEST !! We THANK YOU for your support !!!