JDH Mr Casimir Manso 608/7 is a masculine, complete example of muscle, volume and bone. All traits that point to easy keeping, functional and in demand cattle. His pedigree shines with our best lines of quality, consistent and prepotent cattle that have the extra breed character and class to stand out from the rest. 608/7’s dam is a deep bodied, high volume Atlas 328 daughter. JDH Sir Zadig Manso 918/6 is 608’s young powerful sire. This thick, athletic herd sire naturally breeds the most cows with the highest percent conception of all our sires even overtaking his own sire 117/8 which held the title for four years. We expect no less from Mr Casimir Manso 608/7.
Act BW 80 Curr Wt 1565 Hip Ht 56 Frame Score 6.5 Doc Score 1. SC 35