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Lot 13 - J7N Kodiak K21

High bid
1 year 46 weeks 21 hours 32 min 16 sec ago
Lot Information:
J7N Kodiak K21
DOB: 6/17/22
Polled Percentage Simbrah Bull
Sire: JLF/LHH Canelo F845
Dam: J7N Evening Star E16
ASA # 4143484
BW: 3.6; WW: 67.5; YW: 100.3; API: 98.3; TI: 62.4
La Morra Ranch

Selling Full Interest and Full Possession

J7N Kodiak K21 is a young black ¾-simmental, ¼-brahman percentage Simbrah bull that is going to be an awesome herd sire.  This clean sheathed bull has a beautiful front end, is big footed and as gentle as they come and has the genetic backing to create great calves. 

J7N Kodiak’s sire is a solid red percentage bull named JLF/LHH Canelo that we purchased from Freasier Ranch a couple of years back.  Kodiak is Canelo’s first calf and this young herdsire has done a wonderful job in his short tenure at La Morra Ranch.  Canelo’s genetics go back to Baring Cattle Co’s GLS Red Assassin, Hagans Terminator (an NF Smith Sargent son) and Hacienda’s Maximus bull.  That’s a lot of heavy hitter bulls on the top side.  

J7N Kodiak’s dam is J7N Evening Star, which is also a percentage cow.  Evening Star’s dam is one of our premier donors, J7N What-A-Lady, which has produced a champion heifer for Clay Smith at the RGV Stockshow with J7N Calypso Rose.  Evening Star has turned out to be a great producer for us.  J7N Just Good was her first calf and we kept him as a bull and is currently working and can’t wait to see what he does.  Just like Canelo, Evening Star is also loaded with outstanding genetics like CNS Dream On, SVF/NJC Built Right and SS Goldmine.   

La Morra Ranch is retaining right to collect 100 straws of semen from J7N Justifiable J32, at owners convenience and La Morra Ranch expense.


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