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Lot 13 - J7N Henley H12

High bid
3 years 51 weeks 1 day 14 hours 59 min ago
Lot Information:
J7N Henley H12
Poll Purebred Simbrah Bull/Steer Prospect
Sire: J7N Capt Morgan
Dam: J7N Esmaria
ASA # 3822136
BW: 5.2; WW: 70.5; YW: 112.7; API: 68.5; TI: 54.8
Consigners – La Morra Ranch

Selling Full Interest and Full Possession

J7N Henley H12 is a red, solid framed and structurally correct bull calf, with impressively solid genetics. All that we want in a herd bull, this young little meat wagon has it.  This Capt. Morgan son has got “Butt and Guts” as Carlos Guerra say.  Plenty of middle with a big top, a good flat hip and super clean fronted.

J7N Henley’s dam is J7N Esmaria, first calf heifer who is a granddaughter of our premier donor, J7N Excellencia, a super producing BCC Boomerang / LMC M9 daughter. 

Henley’s sire is J7N Capt. Morgan, truly a beef machine which is producing outstanding calves for us.  Capt. Morgan is a LMC ATZ Dr. Feel Good son, out of our 2013 National Percentage Champion heifer, Hagan Red Blaze (Darcy), a complete combination of style and power with this mating.  

So genetically speaking, on the topside, you have Dr. Feel Good (2009 Reserve National Champion bull), Hagan Red Blaze (2013 National Percentage Champion heifer), JW Black (greatest producer of Simbrah champions).  On the bottom side, J7N Henley is backed by LMC Knockout Muneca 5M/9, J7N Excellencia, LMC HS Rocco (2009 National Champion bull, TNT Top Gun (Simmental performance bull).   Don’t miss out on this young bull. He is destined for greatness!!

  La Morra Ranch is retaining the right to collect 100 units of semen, for in herd use only, and our expense and buyer’s convenience.

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Other Lot Images
Grand Dam – J7N Excellencia
Grand Dam – J7N Excellencia
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Sire – J7N Capt Morgan
Sire – J7N Capt Morgan

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