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Lot 13 - Hilltop Miss Kitty 6 - Replacement Heifer

High bid
2 years 9 weeks 1 day 18 hours 43 min ago
Lot Information:
Hilltop Miss Kitty 6
Sire: +Mr. V8 191/7
Dam: SRS Miss Belle 509/9
Hilltop Ranch

Hilltop Miss Kitty 6 is an extremely nice red tinged, growthy, big bodied, and heavy muscled breeding age female.  In addition to her superior build, you have to appreciate the pedigree and performance profile that she offers ranking in the top 15% of the breed for Growth and 1% for Ribeye Area EPD. Miss Kitty is sired by the Reserve International Champion and proven sire as validated by him reaching the ABBA Register of Renown +Mr. V8 191/7.  The dam to Miss Kitty is SRS Miss Belle 509/9 who sells as lot 11 and is a many time show winner that is sired by +Mr. V8 458/7 “Noble” 

Consider the quality of this female, the expense to produce her, and that she can be exposed to a bull.  You can’t beat this package!

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+Mr. V8 191/7
+Mr. V8 191/7

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