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Lot 13: Choice of +MR. V8 933/7 Show Bull Prospects

High bid
1 year 20 weeks 6 days 18 hours 5 min ago
Lot Information:
13A - 11/29/2022 13B - 12/3/2022
+MR. V8 933/7 
BW: 3.6 WW: 38 YW: 56 M: 6

Click Here to View 13A pedigree

Click Here to View 13B pedigree


We couldn’t decide which one we liked better so we’re letting you pick! Winning bidder has choice of the bulls, or double your bid and take both. As you can see, this is a mating that works for producing feminine, eye appealing females, like their sister selling as lot 7, and masculine and massive bulls like these two. Everyone knows the performance and growth that you find in +Mr. V8 933/7 “Yeti” offspring, so when we were selecting donors to mate to him, we had a couple traits we looked for: extremely straight, level toplines; moderate frame size; and good depth of body, all things that BCC Lady Emma Manso 28/6 excels in, and we are definitely pleased with how it worked! BCC Lady Emma Manso 28/6 is sired by our herd sire BCC Mr. HOTYA Fred Manso 3/3, a top +Mr. H Maddox son, and out of a tremendous +JDH Sir Shank daughter that has been a regular calver for us for almost 10 years. These proven and predictable genetics found from 3 generations of BCC breeding, paired extremely well with the elite V8 lines coming in on the top side of the pedigree, like +Mr. V8 191/7, +JDH Sir Avery Manso, (+)JDH Karu and Miss V8 997/6.


13a – BCC Mr. Deuces Wild 222/2

Of the pair, BCC Mr. Deuces Wild 222/2 or “Deuce,” is the higher performing, larger statured calf, who may give you just a nickle more depth of rib through the center portion of his body. We love his pigmentation, and the endless possibilities he has as a breeding piece with his pedigree and quality. Deuce is a favorite around here for more than just his phenotypic quality, as he is an absolute puppy dog that will follow you anywhere you want to go, with or without a halter on, and is always the first one to meet you at the gate for a good scratch. If you’ve got a young exhibitor that wants to get into showing bulls, this is the one for you!


13b – BCC Mr. Pendleton 223/2

A sophisticated bull like this deserved a gentleman’s name, and that’s just what he got! Pendleton has been a longtime standout in this group because he packs a major punch into a functional package. Of the pair, Pendleton is the slightly stouter featured calf being bolder through his shoulder and squarer over his top. When you view him from the side, you have to appreciate the way he ties all his pieces together and his neck jets extremely high out of the topside of his skeleton. This dude has the look and pigmentation that we love, and look forward to seeing him in the show ring and transitioning to being a top-notch herd sire.


Now you can see why we left the choice to you – heck, the best decision may be to take both and increase the uniformity of your calf crop by turning out flushmate herd bulls on multiple sets of cows after you hang banners with them!


Special Notes


Started on halter and in show barn.


Selling buyers choice of lot 13a or 13b, or buyer can opt to purchase both bulls for the stated sale price/hd. Selection to be made by 11/1/2023


Bentke Cattle Company retains the right to collect 50 units of semen for in herd use at the sellers expense and the buyers convenience on each bull.

Other Lot Images
13A - BCC Mr. Deuces Wild 222/2
13A - BCC Mr. Deuces Wild 222/2
Other Lot Images
13B - BCC Mr. Pendleton 223/2
13B - BCC Mr. Pendleton 223/2
Other Lot Images
Sire: +Mr. V8 933/7
Sire: +Mr. V8 933/7

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