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Lot 13 - C-P Copperhead 748C1

High bid
8 years 9 weeks 3 days 19 hours 40 min ago
Lot Information:
C-P Copperhead 748C1
Copperhead 214
Miss Grandview 748
BW: 2 WW: 21 YW: 26 M: 4 Marb: -.05

This set of Copperhead full brothers are by our super donor, Miss Grandview 748.  She has been extremely productive and these are the first two ET calves out of 24 that were born in 2015…and the only Copperhead sons from this mating.      These bulls have the Copperhead power EPDs combined with the beautiful phenotype of this wonderful Grandview cow.  There is no downside here whether you have a purebred Santa Gertrudis operation or commercial cows.  Profitable calves are in your future.

Scan Data 12/17/2016
Weight: 1274
REA: 13.97
REA/CWT: 1.10
IMF: 3.68
Fat: 0.40

Scrotal: 41cm

Selling 100% Possesion and 2/3 Semen Interest

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