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Lot 13 - 4 head of ABBA Golden Certified Brahman X Angus F-1 Pairs with Angus sired calves

High bid
2 years 47 weeks 13 hours 34 min 50 sec ago
Lot Information:
0400 0401 0403 0407
20-22 months
4 head of ABBA Golden Certified Brahman X Angus F-1 Pairs with Angus sired calves

Price = Bid X 4

Study these ABBA Golden Certified Brahman X Angus F-1 Females with 30 day old Angus sired calves (3 bulls, 1 heifer).  We realize that they are not as fleshy as the two competition pens above them but look at the udders of these cows and the calves at side!  If you are looking for a set of replacement females for your commercial operation or an outstanding set of recipient cows these are the kind!

 ID              Current Wt.

0400                950

0401                970

0403                940

0407                970


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