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Lot 126 - Oscar Chavez

High bid
3 years 33 weeks 14 hours 24 min 44 sec ago
Lot Information:
Exhibitor: Oscar Chavez
Club/Chapter: Lyford FFA
Species: Swine
Placing: 7th Place Light Cross

This is an Online Premium Add On Sale. For this sale you are adding on each individual project. You may bid from $25 up to $900 (In $25 increments) with each bid by either clicking the place bid button, or typing in your bid. You will see the price go up each time that you bid. The price represents the total bids each exhibitor has raised. You WILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR EACH $25 BID THAT YOU PUT IN. If the lot is at $500 and you bid $525 then you are responsible for paying $25. If the Lot is at $1000 and you type in $1500, then you are responsible for $500 of the total. If you have any questions feel free to contact CIM or the Willacy County Fair group and we can explain this further. 


 My name is Oscar A. Chavez, I am a Junior at Lyford High School, I am a member of Lyford FFA, and have been showing for 9 years. This year my project has taught me the more you work with your animal the better the outcome will be at the show. My future plan is to finish my showing career in 2022 as a Senior. After High School I plan to attend college to further my education in agriculture. 



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