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Lot 12 - SRS MR CECIL 339/6 - Semen

High bid
5 years 27 weeks 2 days 3 hours 57 min ago
Lot Information:
Lot 12 - SRS MR CECIL 339/6 - Semen
"NOBLE" +MR. V8 458/7
MISS V8 507/6
BW: 2.1 WW: 21.9 YW: 33.1

In this sale we wanted to offer the combination of genetics that we have been able to build from our program.  SRS Mr. Cecil 339/6 is a former show bull from our first calf crop by +Mr. V8 458/7 “Noble”. The students of the breed know the success that “Noble” has played in our program and the others who have used him.  He is likely most noted as siring the two-time International Champion Mr. V8 146/8 that has created a lot of excitement. In addition to accomplishing this important feat he has produced a Champion Get of Sire at both the National & International Shows, a Reserve National Champion Female, a Reserve International Champion Female and most recently an All American Champion Female and Reserve Champion Bull.  The dam to Cecil is Miss V8 507/6 that we purchased from V8 Ranch as a mature cow after they had already successfully flushed her and sent two heifers to the show barn. Miss V8 507/6 is sired by the Maternal Performance Sire (=)Mr. V8 332/4 who still today after 27 years is being used and out of the great polled matriarch +Miss V8 98/6. 507/6 is a full sister to Miss V8 510/7 who produced the National Champion Miss V8 100/7 (Dam to Noble) as well as the popular sire Mr. V8 279/7.  These genetics are extremely proven and backed by outstanding performance with 339/6 charting positive for 10 traits and well above the breed average for the $Bull and Queen Indexes. If you are in needing of a sire that comes with a proven pedigree, outstanding performance and is well built being sound structured, rugged made, deep ribbed, heavy muscled and well balanced then be sure to take advantage of this opportunity! This package includes 5 straws of conventional semen and unlimited AI Certificates.

Final Price is 5 times the Bid Price

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