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Lot 12 - RMC Samantha 126W

High bid
10 years 42 weeks 2 days 2 hours 18 min ago
Lot Information:
RMC Samantha 126W
LMC Roadhouse 5R/50
LMC Ocho Muneca 5S/354
BW: 3.4 WW: 24.1 YW: 43.3 MM: 1.2
Bred - 6 Months

RMC Samantha 126W       Purebred Simbrah Cow

April 12, 2009           Reg# 2,488,907

Samantha is definitely an eye catcher.  She is super feminine, long sided docile brood cow.  She has a championship pedigree being sired by the State Fair of Texas Champion, LMC Roadhouse, who is a full brother to Full House and Gig’em.  Roadhouse sired the MAS IV Purebred Champion Female.  Her dam is a daughter of the International Reserve Champion and Sensation Champion, LMC Ocho.  She is bred to Smith RMC General and pregnancy status will be determined by sale.

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