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Lot 12 - +Mr. V8 380/6 Semen

High bid
11 years 24 weeks 13 hours 41 min 22 sec ago
Lot Information:
+Mr. V8 380/6
+JDH Karu Manso 800
Miss V8 170/6

Lot 12 – +Mr. V8 380/6

Bid price is per unit times the number of units selling.

Selling 5 units of semen.

Includes 5 AI Certificates, with additional certificates available for $250 each. Certificates will be released only to the name of one buyer. This will be the only offering of domestic semen on this bull for the year.


Our #1 selling worldwide semen sire and easily our hottest sire on the market over the past 3 years. The 380 calves are dominating our show string with those super thick, super stylish performance oriented cattle. He ranks in the top 1% for WW, top 1% for YW, top 10% for Milk, and top 10% for marbling. He also ranked as the #3 high indexing sire in the 2012 ABBA Carcass Evaluation Program.


► Sire of the 2012 International Champion Bull

► Sire of the 2012 Venezuelan National Champion Bull

► Sire of the 2012 U.S. Reserve National Champion Female.

► Sire of the 2012 Honduras Reserve National Champion Bull

► 3 Time Reserve U.S. National Champion Get-of-Sire (2010, 2011, 2012)

2 Time Reserve International Chamion Get-of-Sire (2012, 2013)


Last year his semen was purchased by Troy Thibodeaux Circle T Cattle Co. to flush to their champion of champions: CT Lady Rhineaux Ray 8/9. Troy is pretty sharp and always thinking ahead of the curve. We are excited for these calves to hit the ground and look forward to seeing what outstanding females will be bred to 380 as a result of this semen sale.


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