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Lot 12- Mr L2 153

High bid
8 years 17 weeks 4 days 12 hours 37 min ago
Lot Information:
Mr L2 153
Mr V8 761/6
Miss L2 Love 28

Do you want to talk about a beef bull while still in a beautiful package?  This bull is an extremely stout, thick, adequate bone, deep bodied and moderate framed.  He is very correct on his feet and legs and has great lines.  He would make a great bull to produce American steers or for use in a pure bred herd.  Sired by the V8 761/6 herd sire and of L2 28 donor cow who was a champion herself.  28 is sired by the V8 564/6 ‘Rock’ son, who has produced many great ones for us, her dam is the great Rafter T 43/8 we purchased from Amy Terry at the All American back in 2009.  This is a great bull with a lot of future ahead of him.  Take him home to breed him to your cows or take him straight to the show ring.  He is halter broke and ready to go.

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Sire - Mr V8 761/6
Sire - Mr V8 761/6
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Dam - Miss L2 Love 28
Dam - Miss L2 Love 28

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