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Lot 12 - Mr Broken Triangle 314

High bid
9 years 19 weeks 5 days 19 hours 25 min ago
Lot Information:
Mr Broken Triangle 314
K-C Remington Magnum 888/3
Miss Broken Triangle 1028
Actual BW: 98, BW: 4.2 WW: 19.3 YW: 33.0 M: 6.8

REA/CWT: 1.1, IMF%: 3.32, Rib Fat: .32, Rump Fat: .30, Scrotal Cir: 39 cm

This consignment is another extremely gentle red pedigreed bull that just happened to be grey. 314 is really outstanding and has been coming on great since he was a calf. His sire is a +Sting-Ray son and his dam is another Mr Tender daughter.

He is exceptionally thick and beefy with good breed character. He exhibits a long straight top with a good flat hip and has an excellent set of feet and legs under him. He should also be utilized on mature Brahman cows due to his high birth weight, but this in no way makes him less appealing. He will be a great asset to any herd and I know you won’t be disappointed if you make him one of your own.

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