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Lot 12 - Miss BER Maggie 729

High bid
3 years 44 weeks 5 days 5 hours 7 min ago
Lot Information:
Miss BER Maggie 729
Sire: NL Pablo 25/4
Dam: Miss RB 711/3

Miss BER Maggie 729 just keeps getting better and better everyday she is on feed and that’s the kind that excite you. Her sire Pablo 25/4 has produced numerous champions for us at the national and international level. We love the power and hind quarter in this female and she has such a great set of feet and legs. Maggie’s Dam RB 711 is a moderate powerful female with loads of volume so we expect the same with this female as far as power and volume go but crossed with her Sire Pablo  25/4 we think she will have a lot more grow to her. She will make one heck of a cow once her show days are done. Don’t miss a chance to add her to your program.

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