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Lot 12 - LMC You Name Me 18/5 - Polled Brahman Show Bull Prospect

High bid
9 years 25 weeks 13 hours 23 min 2 sec ago
Lot Information:
LMC You Name Me 18/5
+LMC LF Ambassador 700/7
Miss Double A 281/5
BW 2.0, WW 10.9, YW 16.7, Milk 6.8

Consigned By: La Muneca Cattle Co.

SELLING: 1/2 interest and 1/2 possession

Our new partner and us will name this future great herd sire together. He is as good of a bull calf as we have ever raised. He is long, deep, wide, flat hipped, big humped and is rich in bone, muscle, breed character plus has that special LOOK AT ME LOOK that this family of cattle is known for. We plan to show this bull if he continues to develop like he has so far. If you are looking for a POLLED Herd Bull that offers the TOTAL PACKAGE, do not miss this dude.

He is the fourth Ambassador son that this great cow has produced and all are top herd sires producing good cattle for their owners which are Kelly Barnard, La Reina and LMC.  She has also worked well with other sires and has a super pedigree as you can read more about in Lot 11's footnote. If you buy this lot, we encourage you to buy his mama selling as Lot 11. Ambassador has done it all for us and will go down in the history book as one of the POLLED Brahman bulls that helped regenerate the CONSUMER DEMAND for good POLLED Brahman cattle. You can depend on his genetics to work for you.

We have been fortunate to have bred our share of the best herd sires in several breeds with there being no secret to the fact that we have always selected moderate framed bulls, that are correct, can walk, have plenty of bone, muscle, good breed character, good sheaths, large testicles, look the type, have a great pedigree and have good numbers. This bull calf has that potential plus will be properly promoted to help both ranches market his progeny and semen.

Our partner will always have first choice for when to breed the bull every year plus we will share all collection expenses and revenue. We have a simple one page contract that we will be glad to email you if interested.

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