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Lot 12 - LMC Perfect Dream 5B 174 Simbrah Show & Donor Prospect

High bid
9 years 42 weeks 16 hours 10 min 55 sec ago
Lot Information:
LMC Perfect Dream 5B 174
LMC Arcadio 5X/116
LMC WFC Ms. Dream Girl
BW 4.6, WW 82.3, YW 108.7, Milk 11.7
Dream Girl Group

Lot 12 -

LMC Perfect Dream is a phenomenal purebred Simbrah donor and show prospect out of two National Champions - LMC Arcadio and the recently deceased LMC WFC Dream Girl who was the best Simbrah cow we have ever seen.  We put in a few embryos this spring and we will be done with Dream Girl babies. She died young but left a tremendous legacy of top quality sons and daughters. Take advantage of this great opportunity to buy what could be her best one to ever sell at auction.

We sold a solid black full sib to Perfect Dream Brolaco for $10,000. They have done very well with her. As you can see below in Lot 13, Arcadio is working well and producing soggy, good looking cattle wtih plenty of bone, muscle, correctness and breed character. Arcadio was sired by the popular LMC ATZ Dr. Feel Good who was the 2009 Reserve National Champion bull.

            12 Dream Girl daughters have averaged $12,750 and are working in several progressive Simbrah programs. We are going to miss this great cow but feel confident that her progeny will continue to raise the bar for Simbrah.  Perfect Dream quialifes for all LMC Jr. Benefits which include the LMC Raffle, $10,000 LMC Futurity, $10,000 LMC Jackpot, $20,000 LMC $ellabration, $40,000 Super Bowl, $15,000 MAS Showdown, free semen until the junior graduates from high school and the right to resell her in one of our upcoming sales the year that you retire her from the show ring.

            She will be one of the best to sell all year. You can build a herd around her as others have done with her ancestors and are doing with her sisters - La Morra with LMC M9, Southwestern Farms with LMC Oprah and LMC Miss Diva and the many that have bought her sisters like the Seales, Scogins, Stavinohas, Escobars, Fuchs, Hills, Floneca, Tshirharts, 6G, La Muneca-Flores and Tanner families. Buyer will get two units of semen on any bull available from the Dream Team owners and if it is a junior they get two units per year until they graduate.

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Dam - LMC WFC Ms. Dream Girl - the best Simbrah we have ever seen
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Sire - LMC Arcadio as a yearling right after winning the National Show

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