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Lot 12 - LMC MQ Polled Lady 27/7

High bid
7 years 23 weeks 6 days 23 hours 21 min ago
Lot Information:
LMC MQ Polled Lady 27/7
Polled Brahman Heifer
LMC Polled Madison 133/0
LMC MQ Lady J 99/3
BW 1.8, WW 16.4, YW 27.2, Milk 1.6
La Muneca - Mike Quintanilla

LMC MQ Polled Lady is a third generation, smooth polled February baby doll that is a double bred +LMC LF Ambassador looking for a good home. She is ultra-feminine, rich in breed character, flat hipped, correct, clean underlined and very docile. She could be homozygous polled. She has that special look and just the right amount of muscle to make her competitive. Her sire is THE BEEF MACHINE LMC Polled Madison (see photo below) whose cattle are the first to sell every year because they are built right, look right, bred right and breed right.

It hurts to sell heifers this pretty. Her maternal grand dam is a full sister to LMC Polled Maestro who did our ole buddy Ricky Butler a great job and to Polled Master who worked very successful for our gran amigo Curtis Gruetzmacher. She was also a Brahman Journal cover girl. All of these heifers selling today can be shown in junior shows for two years. They all qualify for the LMC Jr.Program whose benefits are explained in the Lot 11 footnote. 

We own her with the Mike Quintanilla family. Mike is a long time Brahman breeder and enthusiast who knows pedigrees as good as anyone I know. We keep our cows here at LMC and he helps us every Sunday. Buyer will receive two units on any LMC bull that we have semen available on to AI this heifer.

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Other Lot Images
- Sire - LMC Polled Madison - semen is available
 - Sire - LMC Polled Madison - semen is available
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- Maternal Grandam
 - Maternal Grandam

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