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Lot 12 - Huth Stacked Deck M020 x MC 9615 Dutchess N315 - 3 Embryos

High bid
9 years 9 weeks 6 days 14 hours 44 min ago
Lot Information:
Huth Stacked Deck M020 x MC 9615 Dutchess N315 - 3 Embryos
Huth Stacked Deck M020
MC 9615 Dutchess N315
BW: 3.5 WW: 55 YW: 86 M: 22

Final Price is 3 x Bid Price

Stacked Deck is one bull that’s life got cut way to short due to an accident we had the chance to buy some semen and jumped at the opportunity, he sire a bull that has done wonders in my herd and this outcross with N135 will bring you hard working genes that any cattleman can appreciate.


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