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Lot 12 - GS Miss Sugar Didor 450

High bid
7 years 45 weeks 4 days 8 hours 21 min ago
Lot Information:
GS Miss Sugar Didor 450
Brahman Show Heifer Prospect
GS Mr Sugar Manso 505
GS Ms Dixie Esto Sug 422
L2 Ranch

MS –GS 450

Attention Juniors! If you’re looking for a female to run every weekend and compete in the AOB class she is the one. Sired by the –GS 505 bull, a JDH 236 son out of the best Gray Shadow Cow every born, a ABBA Show Bull of the Year, who is doing a great job on the –GS 422 a member of our show team for the last 3 years. She is sired by the Dixie Manso bull, who is also a 236 son and out of a SCD 302 cow who was the 2008 Show bull of the year. This female is really a looker and has be3en ever since she was born. We really feel she will be someone’s champion. She is extremely gentle, finished halter broken female ready for the next show. We are selling 100% possession. L2 Ranch reserves the right to 2 successful IVF aspirations following the completion of her show career and 1 st natural calf at our expense.

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