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Lot 12 - GS Empress Didor 278 - Calf Miss L2 Empress Didor 229

High bid
7 years 18 weeks 2 days 15 hours 22 min ago
Lot Information:
GS Empress Didor 278 Calf Miss L2 Empress Didor 229
1/26/02 Calf DOB 7/4/17
GS Emperor Didor 135 Calf Sire: GS Sugar Manso 505
L2 Ranch

Lot 12

Cow / Calf Pair –GS 278

Here is another cow/calf pair from the heart of our program. Here is a cow with some age on her yes but she still has plenty of life left in her. We feel that the calf alongside this cow is very exceptional but too you to wean so we decided we would sell the calf alongside the cow. The cow is a –GS 135 daughter which makes her a half sibling to the 2017 Reserve Houston Champion Female. The calf is Sired by the ABBA Show Bull of the Year –GS Sugar Manso 505. Some of our top claves are sired by 505 this year. The heifer calf at side is a beautiful long bodied female with lots of style and performance. Calf was born in July 2017 sells unnamed and unbranded. Ig the buyer wishes we can brand the calf L2. This is a great opportunity for someone wanting to get some calves with their brand. This cow is exposed back to JDH Mr Manso 416.

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