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Lot 12 - GMR Ms. 228 - Replacement Heifer

High bid
4 years 24 weeks 3 days 11 hours 29 min ago
Lot Information:
GMR Ms. 228 - Replacement Heifer
JDH Mr. Dwayne Manso
Miss RB 627/3
Golden Meadows Ranch


Don’t miss out on this breeding age female that is super gentle, well bred, and performance packed!  GMR Ms. 228 was the pick of the Fall 2018 calf crop due to her quality being structurally sound, long and level made, heavy muscled, ultra-feminine, and dark pigmented.  Her sire is the former show winner and herd sire for J.D. Hudgins, Inc. and K-C Ranch, JDH Mr. Dwayne Manso.  Not only is Dwayne known as a sire of show winners but packs as much of a “performance punch” as any with all three sires in his 3-generation pedigree having reached the status of Maternal Performance Sire.  It would be expected that Dwayne will inject the maternal influence into 228 but it is her dam that injects the eye appeal and showy look.  Miss RB 627/3 is a proven donor for RB Ranch and Golden Meadows Ranch and a flushmate to Miss RB 623/3 “Prada”.  627/3 is a daughter of +Mr. V8 380/6 who sired more winners from 2011-2017 than any other sire and out of, +Miss V8 645/6, the proven donor for B.R. Cutrer, Inc. that is backed by the Pittman cow line that has been the foundation of their successful program.  The students of the breed will realize that 228 is the result of the “signature cross” that combines the influence of (+)Madison and (+)Karu.  As a result of her impressive pedigree and superior actual performance the genetic indicators of GMR Ms. 228 chart in the top 9% of the breed for Weaning Weight, Yearling Weight, and Ribeye Area.  Carefully consider this opportunity to purchase a female that combines the key essentials of a “cornerstone” female and is ready to go into production!

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Sire: JDH Mr. Dwayne Manso
Sire: JDH Mr. Dwayne Manso
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Miss RB 623/3 “Prada” – Flushmate to Dam Miss RB 627/3
Miss RB 623/3 “Prada” – Flushmate to Dam Miss RB 627/3

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