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Lot 12 - Flush

High bid
13 years 46 weeks 5 days 4 hours 59 min ago
Lot Information:
OCC Anchor
Burns Bull X339U

Our newest addition to the donor line-up owned with the Fisher family. Aunt Bea exemplifies what has made the half-blood Simme craze so popular and widely excepted across the country. Stout and powerful production oriented female with tremendous feet, legs, and udder quality. We just aquired her and havent even had the chance to get a flush for ourselves yet, but rest assured, you will see plenty from us on this cow...she is the direction we've always tried to head! Flush her clubby, flush her maternal, it doesnt matter shes the kind that are notorious for producing quality. Take advantage of an early opportunity on a donor we are just getting started with and plan on doing a ton with! Seller guaruntees 5 grade one eggs with no cap. All flush costs are the responsibilty of the buyer. Flush work will be done by either Donor Solutions or Horstman Reproduction.

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