POLLED Female Sexed Embryos!!! When we started into the breed we purchased several polled cows. One of the best producers is Miss HMC Polled 37/1 (P) who is the dam to these embryos. The success of 37/1 should not be surprising as she is backed by one of the most proven polled pedigrees in the breed. Her sire is LMC WFF Pistolero M130 who has over 75 registered progeny and is the foundation sire for La Muneca Cattle Co. The dam to 37/1 has three daughters that have sold for $21,500-$37,000 over the past year validating her superior producing ability. The sire to these embryos could be the most valuable part of this package due to his out cross genetics being a son of the legendary Vanguard Sire (+)JJ Didor Crata 389. It should be noted that this package should not only result in a polled heifer but one that is performance-oriented, and dark pigmented. Study today’s market and you will find that the top selling cattle are BLACK & POLLED which is exactly what this package should produce. Selling three embryos with a guarantee of one pregnancy if implanted by a licensed technician. If no pregnancy is achieved, then one additional embryo will be given.