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Lot 12 - BCC Red Lite

High bid
8 years 22 weeks 3 days 11 hours 1 min ago
Lot Information:
BCC Red Lite
¾ blood heifer
GLS Red Assassin A88
BCC Lime Lite
BW 4.6 WW 63.6 YW 90.3 M18.9 API 82.3

STOP!! Make sure you look both ways before passing up on this “Red Lite”.  If you are looking for a stout red show prospect you are at the right spot.  This heifer has been on that we have kept our eye on from the day she was born, and it looks like that was the right thing to do.  With the bone, depth of body and extension from head to tail, this great heifer will be one to make some moves in her future.

Her sire, GLS Red Assassin is another bull that we added to our battery out of the Champion Bull Pen at the National Western in Denver.  He has made some of the prettiest ¾ blood females that we have in the pasture to this point, with soundness, expression and the EPD numbers that will improve any program to its fullest.  Red Assassin is a young sire and we are just now seeing his potential as one of our leading studs in the program.

BCC Lime Lite, is one of our younger donors with only a few calves under her belt but she has started to make the package look better and better.  These young red females have started to turn heads with the overall look and capacity to make a cowman buy a truck load.  Make sure you mark this great female in your sale catalog, we have a feeling she won’t be around for long.  Baring Cattle Co. reserves the right to 2 flush opportunities on this female, otherwise she sells in her entirety.

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