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Lot 12 - BCC Red Advantage

High bid
5 years 47 weeks 22 hours 2 min 3 sec ago
Lot Information:
BCC Red Advantage
J7N Payload
PRR Pretty Sweet 82R - 2295876
CE 5.9 BW 3.1 WW 60.7 YW 88.1 MM 19.9 API 69.9

This year we included a pair of breeding age Hersdsire prospects that we hope you enjoy.  Two bulls that are similar in breeding but different enough to improve a program from the ground up.  The first we have here is the Red Advantage bull, a red powerhouse when you study him from all angles.  We took this bull on the road this year to win National and International Division honors.  When you listen to judges and here the words, complete, muscular, sound, extended and deep bodied, and this bull will make a great herdsire, you know you are doing things right.

Red Advantage is out of a powerful LMC Red Moves son, J7N Payload, who has been a great breeding addition to our program in 2018.  “Payload” has made some Powerful bulls and females that we are putting into production this year and we are already seeing that this was the right move in many aspects of a breeding program to produce great cattle.  The bull has good numbers and will have the longevity needed to make a great herdsire for your program.  Be sure to get in on this bull and have the Advantage you need!  Baring Cattle Company reserves the right to collect 100 units of semen at seller’s expense for unrestricted use.

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