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Lot - 12 - BCC Hollywood

High bid
4 years 50 weeks 3 days 11 hours 50 min ago
Lot Information:
BCC Hollywood
Purebred Simbrah bull
BCC Maverick
BCC Mademoiselle
ASA #3672048
CE 5.1 BW: 4.2 WW: 632.5 YW: 91.55 M: 16.6 API:78.1 TI: 54.7

2020 National Champion Simbrah Bull in San Antonio and 2020 International Reserve Champion Simbrah Bull at the Houston Livestock Show and this was first time in the ring. We are very excited to offer this opportunity to those that were asking for semen shares the minute he walked out of the ring. The barn talk about this tank of a bull has been awesome he is so deep bodied super wide and muscular and very well built from the ground up. A Simbrah bull of this quality comes around once in a great while and we have been lucky to be the ones that walked him in the ring too these prestigious Championships this year. Great bull great pedigree and a winning resume already at this age!

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