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Lot 12 - BBC Bella Girl

High bid
9 years 21 weeks 3 days 23 hours 7 sec ago
Lot Information:
BBC Bella Girl
Mr NLC Upgrade
SNF Bella Dona
BW: 2 WW: 75 YW: 107 API: 143 TI: 81.6

Consigned by Baring Cattle Co

We have another Upgrade daughter to offer that is nothing short of perfection when you study her on the hoof.  “Bella” has the depth of body and fullness over that rib that puts her in line to be an awesome show prospect and on in to a great donor program to produce more cattle just like her.  This heifer is great prospect from a breeding standpoint as well. Her dam “Bella Dona” is a very strong numbered female and “Upgrade” needs no introduction in the Simmental breed.  It will be hard to let this young super stout and feminine heifer go, but we are offering our best and make no mistake she is one of them.  Baring Cattle Co. will reserve the right to 1 flush or 6 Transferable Embryos from this female.

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