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Lot 12 - Bar F Miss 1/1

High bid
5 years 21 weeks 5 days 11 hours 2 min ago
Lot Information:
Bar F Miss 1/1
Mr V8 596/7
LMC Polled and Pretty (P)

We have heavily invested in building and promoting our Brahman herd in the past few years and we are now ready to bring some outstanding females to the table with hard to find powerful genetics and impressive conformity that we know will push them to the top. These two females are both impressive show heifer prospects out of LMC Polled and Pretty the full sister to the Reserve International Champion Brahman Female in Houston, LMC Polled Passion.  Polled Passions progeny continue to top Brahman sales throughout the state averaging $10,000 and higher.  

The first female of the offering is a Mr V8 596/7 daughter that is extremely long bodied, deep flanked, and very feminine fronted.  Mr V8 596 is a young scurred bull that we have used across our top Brahman females and started to see some very beautiful polled females from those matings.  LMC Polled Passion is one of our leading Brahman donors that we purchased in LMC’s GenePlus sale for $15,000 three years ago and has proven to be one heck of a buy for our program as well.Baring Cattle Company reserves the option to 2 IVF Flushes with a guarantee of 6 Grade A Embryos with the work to be done by a certified embryologist on the heifer that is purchased.


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