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High bid
4 years 33 weeks 4 days 4 hours 48 min ago
Lot Information:
LMC LN Polled Prodigy 188/7
Polled Pathfinder
Miss Triple C 5/4
BW 0.7 WW 14.6 YW 24.3 Milk 6.9


SELLING five units of LMC LN Polled Prodigy semen with 10 ABBA NONTRANSFERABLE AI Certificates as per ABBA rules. Extra certificates will cost $100 per certificate.  The buyer of this semen is responsible for registration of all calves produced by this semen. Selling by the unit x 5 in $10 increments.

LMC LN Polled Prodigy  is an awesome double polled red bull and is one of the top young polled Red Brahman bulls in the country! !   Polled Prodigy  puts together many of the traits that a herd bull should have.  He is long as can be, has plenty of muscle, stands on lots of bone and a pedigree that is second to none.   In addition, he is very complete,  sound structured and has a show bull look to him.

Polled Prodigy is a full brother to the great Polled Pappo that is doing an outstanding job siring polled cattle all over the world. Polled Pappo first proved himself in the show ring by winning multiple championships on the National and International level and is now proving himself as a sire by producing great calves that are polled and have consumer demand.   We believe Prodigy will have a similar impact as a sire.

Polled Prodigy is sired by the dark pigmented Polled Pathfinder, who as a  herd bull has already proven himself as a producer of champions.  Polled Prodigy's dam, Miss Triple C 5/4, is our top Polled Red donor.  You can appreciate her more when you study the photo below of her linebred granddaughter. 5/4 is sired by the great +Winchester 999 and has produced some outstanding calves.  One being LMC LN Polled Crystal which was Reserve Grand at San Antonio in 2019 and Senior Champion at San Antonio in 2020. 5/4 is also extremely fertile, as she has averaged over 20 good embryos per flush.  In addition, she is bred right, built right and has a model udder.

Just like his older brother, Polled Prodigy is built well from the ground up and is impressive to look at.  We firmly believe that he will have an impact on our herds as well as the Polled Brahman world in the future. This will be a great opportunity to get in on some Polled Prodigy semen. BUY YOU SOME GENETIC LEAD TIME !!

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Register of Renown dam sired by +Winchester 999. She is a TANK !!
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