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Lot 114 - Keller Busse

High bid
4 years 3 weeks 6 days 1 hour 2 min ago
Lot Information:
Exhibitor: Keller Busse
Club/Chapter: Lyford FFA
Species: Swine
Placing: 4th Place Dark Cross

This is an Online Premium Add On Sale. For this sale you are adding on each individual project. You may bid from $25 up to $900 (In $25 increments) with each bid by either clicking the place bid button, or typing in your bid. You will see the price go up each time that you bid. The price represents the total bids each exhibitor has raised. You WILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR EACH $25 BID THAT YOU PUT IN. If the lot is at $500 and you bid $525 then you are responsible for paying $25. If the Lot is at $1000 and you type in $1500, then you are responsible for $500 of the total. If you have any questions feel free to contact CIM or the Willacy County Fair group and we can explain this further. 


Keller Busse is in 8th grade at Lyford Middle School and is a member of Lyford Jr. FFA.  This is his first year to raise and exhibit a livestock project.   Keller said he learned that pigs run much faster than you think and that they are very impatient when it comes to feeding time.  He said that his pig “loved getting a bath and playing in the water.”   He also learned that when they are done walking, they mean it!  He said the best part of raising a pig was getting to learn from friends and show along side of them. 

Keller’s goal is to save enough money to buy his own car when he gets his drivers license.  He also plans to play high school football for Lyford and go to college after graduation.   He is thankful for the lessons of hard work, money management and service and knows that these things will help him achieve all his goals. 



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