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Lot 11- MR. V8 20/8 - Semen

High bid
5 years 27 weeks 2 days 3 hours 45 min ago
Lot Information:
Lot 11- MR. V8 20/8 - Semen
"MAN OF STEEL" MR. V8 604/7
+MISS V8 797/9 (P)
BW: 3.5 WW: 40.5 YW: 59.3

Mr. V8 20/8 was the high selling bull in the 2018 V8 Ranch Bull Sale.  He is a scurred bull that offers as much growth, bone, and performance as any polled/scurred bull in the breed today as confirmed by him ranking in the top 9% of the breed for 5 traits to include growth and REA.  It should also be noted that 20/8 passed his breeding soundness exam at 16 months of age only adding more value to him as a sire who should produce earlier maturing and more fertile offspring. Although we feel that the build and performance of a bull is important nothing overshadows the pedigree of this young sire.  He is sired by the 2017 International Champion Mr. V8 604/7 “Man of Steel” who is a cross of the Reserve International Champion +Mr. V8 191/7 and out of a daughter of the breed icon +Mr. V8 380/6. The bottom side of 20/8’s pedigree is equally as impressive being out of +Miss V8 797/7 who is one of the most proven dams for V8 Ranch with such breed influencers as Mr. V8 135/7 “The Butler”, Mr. V8 139/7, the Reserve National Champion Miss V8 274/7, many time champion Miss V8 103/8 and the leading donor Miss V8 508/7 to her credit.  Not only is +Miss V8 797/7 one of the most proven polled donors for V8 Ranch but she is the result of crossing the proven sire +JDH Sir Avery Manso with the polled matriarch +Miss V8 98/6. After viewing this young herdsires credentials it becomes pretty obvious why we purchased him and the potential that he offers our program. In “sharing our best” we are pleased to be able to share these genetics and look forward to seeing how they influence the program of the new buyer. This package consists of 5 straws of conventional semen and unlimited AI Certificates.

Final Price is 5 times the Bid Price


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