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Lot 11 - Mr. GEL Troy Manso 120/3

High bid
10 years 42 weeks 10 hours 2 min 50 sec ago
Lot Information:
Mr. GEL Troy Manso 120/3
JDH Troy Manso
Miss Double A 454/7


Horned Grey Brahman Bull


DOB: September 23, 2013


Consigned by England Cattle, Louie Flores and La Muneca


120/3 is a very correct herd bull prospect that could make a really good steer for a Rio Grande Valley 4-H and or FFA steer exhibitor.  That champion wins $3,000 in premiums from the RGV Brahman & F-1 Association plus gets to sell in the RGV Show premium sale. The Reserve Grand Champion Brahman Steer wins $1,500 in premiums from the Association. Every steer exhibitor is awarded class premiums, which so far have averaged $350 excluding the two champions.


Being an October makes him ideal for the Purebred Brahman Steer Show at the Rio Grande Valley Livestock Show, as he should be at an optimum 1,350 champions weight.  He is a grand son of the Register of Renown National Champion +JDH Elmo Manso and out of a paternal sister to our LMC LF Ambassador senior herd sire.  Both of these sires are producing lots of herd sires and breed improving females.  This potential steer qualifies for the LMC Junior Program.


If you are looking for a show bull, he will work there too as he has all of the ingredients to make a top show and later herd bull.

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Sire - JDH Troy Manso
Sire - JDH Troy Manso

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