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Lot 11 - Mr Broken Triangle 313

High bid
9 years 19 weeks 5 days 19 hours 11 min ago
Lot Information:
Mr Broken Triangle 313
JDH Mr Nikki Manso 256/4
Eureka Creek Suville 108
Actual BW: 57, BW: 0.7 WW: 8.1 YW: 8.1, M: 6.0

REA/CWT: 1.3, IMF%: 3.56, Rib Fat: .18, Rump Fat: .25, Scrotal Cir: 33 cm

This grey Brahman December coming two-year-old is really unique. He is sired by our J.D. Hudgins +Brandon 761/3 son and out of a Becky Wilson bred female. His actual birth weight of 57 lbs. and his birth weight EPD of 0.7 will allow him to be used in many different programs. His 1.3 REA/CWT makes him heavy muscled and his 3.56 IMF% is sure good.

He is long bodied, has a clean sheath and is really sound on his feet and legs. As an added bonus he is an extremely gentle young bull. If you choose to take him home to add some of his good traits to your herd you won’t be disappointed.

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