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Lot 11 - Moreno Ms Lady Incredible

High bid
5 years 42 weeks 5 days 23 hours 39 min ago
Lot Information:
Moreno Ms Lady Incredible
JDH Impresssion Manso 719/4
Miss B-F 48/6

Looking for a Huge bodied, moderate made, sound structured pet? Here she is.
The Lot 11 heifer offers a massive rib and body that simply SCREAMS Strength and Cow Power. She is moderate framed and very easy keeping. She’s Perfect for some of our upcoming judges and cattle critics.
This heifer is very wide based and big footed.
And did we mention she was gentle? If she had her choice, she is probably another one that might move in the house with you and make herself at home.
She is a PET.
She’s sired by the JDH Impression bull that combines the greatness of Elmo and Charley’s Jazz.
Her mother is another nearly straightbred Hudgins female that goes back to the Datapack Manso bull that so positively influenced our Grey Brahman breed.
Buy with confidence today. Load up and win Junior shows tomorrow. No experience needed here. She can work for any age.
PCC reserves 2 successful IVF’s

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