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Lot 11 - Miss V8 698/6

High bid
11 years 24 weeks 17 hours 27 min 34 sec ago
Lot Information:
Miss V8 698/6
JDH Sir Parker Manso
$Miss V8 910/4

Lot 11 – Miss V8 698/6

Sells with a heifer calf at side born 4/29/13 sired by Mr. V8 380/6 BW 78. Heifer calf at side sells unbranded. New buyer has the option to brand the calf V8, or their own brand.

Another outstanding producer who carries the power of those proven V8 cow families to make her successful. This female was halter broke at the show barn as a heifer and is a direct daughter of the elite ABBA Vanguard cow, $Miss V8 910/4. Vanguard females are those females who are both Register of Renown and Maternal Merit and there are only a handful in the entire breed. The 910 cow family is one that is synonymous with quality…producing V8 standouts like the International Champion +Miss V8 228/6 and her International Champion Daughter Miss V8 137/7. The 910 cow also produced two Register of Renown daughters, and 6 donor daughters for V8. If you study our 2013 Herd Reference book you see throughout it’s pages, mentioned time and time again references to the 910 cow. The secret to breeding good cattle is to keep stacking great females into the breeding program. This cow does that. She also happens to have a show heifer prospect nursing her that can be branded V8 or the new owner’s brand. We sold a polled daughter of Miss V8 698/6 in last year’s sale to Kelly Barnard of Kansas Polled Brahmans. This JDH Sir Parker cow is one that easily needs to be flushed.

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