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Lot 11 - MISS V8 387/7

High bid
13 years 23 weeks 2 days 19 hours 53 min ago
Lot Information:
MISS V8 387/7
MR. V8 463/6
MISS V8 696/6
BW: 3.0 WW: 25.8 YW: 37.1 M: 5.2

A very moderate framed, easy fleshing daughter of the 2009 National Champion, Mr. V8 463/6.  Her dam, Miss V8 696/6, is also one of the donor cows we are selling a flush on.   See footnotes on her for more details.  This is a very muscular, deep bodied heifer with beautiful pigmentation and breed character.  She exemplifies what the beef cattle industry is striving for. Moderate framed, economically effective cattle that are sound and functional.  The astute cattle woman and ABBA board member Myra Neal Morrison of North Carolina has a full sister in her herd that is also outstanding.  I have a lot of confidence in this heifer as a breeding tool.

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