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Lot 11 - Miss RB 233/6 "Cassandra"

High bid
7 years 31 weeks 4 days 23 hours 6 min ago
Lot Information:
Miss RB 233/6 "Cassandra"
Brahman Show Heifer Prospect
Mr. V8 191/7
Ms RB 789/52
RB Ranch

This beauty will be a big and stout gorgeous girl, check her big bone and size, she weaned as one of the heaviest in her contemporary group. “Cassandra” is an easy keeper heifer and her powerful body is packed with red meat. She profi les beautifully and is great on all four corners. Cassandra is a full sister to lot 12 and is out Miss RB 789/52, a clone out of Miss RB 789/5 (photo to right), Houston and World Congress Reserve Senior Champion. Our good friend John Goode purchased in the 2015 RB and Friends Sale an IVF fl ush of this cow that resulted in 8 beautiful uniformed heifers, you can’t do better than that. Her sire is again the well renowned Mr. V8 171/4, the 2014 Reserve International Champion at Houston and sire of the 2017 Houston International Grand Champion whose dam Miss V8 464/6 is the World Congress Senior and Grand Champion Female.


RB Ranch is reserving the right to 2 IVF Flushes after 233/6 Show Career

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Sire - Mr. V8 191/7

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