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Lot 11 - MISS ECC 156/9

High bid
5 years 18 weeks 1 day 11 hours 2 min ago
Lot Information:
MISS ECC 156/9
Show Heifer Prospect
MR. V8 756/7
MS STL 36/9

LOT #:11 

 At first glance the eye appeal of Miss ECC 156/9 drew you in to further evaluate her as she is a growthy, deep ribbed, super feminine heifer.  After viewing her pedigree you realize that she is one of the very FIRST daughters to be offered for sale by the many time champion show bull for V8 Ranch, Mr. V8 756/7 “Megastroke”.  Mr. V8 756/7 was one of the largest bulls on the V8 Ranch show string from 2016-2018 and offers as proven of a pedigree as any in the breed being sired by the Reserve International Champion and global breed influencer, +Mr. V8 777/4 “Powerstroke” and out of +Miss V8 410/6 who is a former show champion and dam to “Ocho Cinco”, a Reserve National Champion Female and 55 other progeny.  The dam to 156/9 is one of our donors that was bred by Santerland Ranch and incorporates some of the most proven genetics of V8 Ranch and S Bar Ranch.  Not only does 156/9 have a great build and pedigree, but boasts an impressive performance profile charting positive for 10 traits!  Don’t miss this elite heifer that should be successful in the show ring and in the pasture!


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