Maternal value DELUXE! JDH LADY MANSO 85/1 “Miss College Counselor” is a wise buy in this year’s sale. She is the only daughter of JDH Mr Manso 579/4 that is one of our most popular and proven sires. His progeny are always in high demand and “Miss College Counselor” is no exception!
“Miss College Counselor’s” pedigree is a tremendous outcross at JDH/FCC. JDH Mr. Manso 579/4, +MN Miss Mayro 646/2 (a cow that defined the Bayou Oaks herd in the 90’s), Bayou Oaks 818, JDH Sage, =JDH Alexo and =JDH Mr Manso 209. This is the kind of outcross that produces the next great ones!
This is your only chance to buy a JDH Mr Manso 579/4 daughter. Don’t miss out on this unique opportunity, whoever misses out with regret passing on one like JDH Lady Manso 85/1 “Miss College Counselor.”
FCC reserves one aspiration to be collected after 1st calf and at the convenience of the buyer.