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Lot 11 - LMC Simbrah Herd Bull/Club Calf Prospect

High bid
9 years 45 weeks 4 days 22 hours 51 min ago
Lot Information:
LMC Uno Amigo 5B/228
LMC RFI Smith Uno
LMC Muneca De la Oca
5.1, 66.5, 93.1, 16.3

SELLING :  1/2 Interest and 1/2 Possession with buyer having the option to double up his bid and buy 100% of the bull. LMC will retain the right to collect 100 units of semen for our own in herd use.

5B-228 better known as Siete due to the perfect seven on his head is another outstanding double polled bonafide herd bull and or club calf prospect that NEARS PERFECTION IN THE FLESH. One must appreciate his correctness, muscle pattern, clean sheath, excellent conformation and structural soundness. He has a phenomenal pedigree that combines some of the breed's most powerful, predictable and profitable cow families - LM She Moves and LMC M9, Oprah,Diva...............

His dam is a full sister to the famous LMC Miss Diva who is the dam of the popular many times champion LMC WFC Dream Girl. Siete's dam also produced a Houston Division Champion bull for the Poppe's plus three real good cows for the Ben Hill and Leroy Stavinoha families sired by LMC Rhino.  As you can see in her photo below, she is a very attractive cow.

She is sired by the great LMC EF JW Black and out of a HR Power House x 6GLMC Knockout cow which are three of the more popular and powerful Black Simbrah bulls in Simbrah History who won many shows and bull tests and of more importance so have their progeny. Read more about Siete's sire Uno in his Lot 7 footnote.  Siete is a pre-sale favorite that will make you proud!!

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Dam -full sister to the famous LMC Miss Diva
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