LMC Polled Ramba is a super feminine, smooth polled December baby doll sired by the massive Polled Pathfinder and a David Domsch cow that has been one of our top producers. David much like Danny Acevedo has been in the Brahman business for many years and produces the COWMAN’S KINDA CATTLE with lots of capacity, good udders and just the right size to function in South Texas in our low rainfall environment.
Her dam is a granddaughter of the popular and highly proven +JDH Datapack Manso (see photo below) who is also the grand sire of Lot 3, the great LMC +S Polled Madonna. Her sire goes back to two of the greatest of all time +JDH Madison de Manso and +Mr V8 202/3, the winningest bull of all time winning the National Championship three times and the International Show twice.
Look at her femininity, correctness, pigment and eye appeal all supported by a great pedigree, a sweet disposition and one of the most supportive and successful junior programs in the country. LMC bred and LMC Partnership heifers have won two of the last five $10,000 San Antonio Championships with selling very few during this period.
She qualifies for all of the LMC Jr. Program benefits which include the LMC Raffle, the LMC Futurity, LMC Jackpot, free semen to AI her if a junior buys her until the junior graduates from high school plus the opportunity to sell her in one of our online sales in the year that she is retired.