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Lot 11 - LMC Durango A123

High bid
10 years 45 weeks 4 days 4 hours 4 min ago
Lot Information:
LMC Durango A123
Polled Simbravieh Show Steer Prospect
LMC Durango A123
LMC Soggy S12

Durango is a really exciting Simbravieh herd bull or show steer prospect with plenty of pedigree clout.  Louie Flores who fed a lot of champion steers is a huge fan of the Goliath bull and sons like this is the reason why.  Study this calf closely, he is a good-looking, super correct calf that is balanced and puts a lot of nice things together.  The LMC Soggy cow that he is out of is a WTR Hipcheck daughter that is our pick of ten full sisters. These cows are among our most productive Simbravieh cows and his maternal grand dam is our most fertile Simbrah cow of all time, LMC Titan Muneca 5H/144.  Hipcheck was Show Bull of the Year and a Weaning & Yearling Weight Trait Leader for many years. He is out of the great WTR Baylee cow that is homozygous for the valuable calpain tenderness gene. This bloodline is the type you want your herd bull out of, however his design is the caliber you want your show steer to look like.  I’ve heard your steer would have had to make a great bull to compete; here is your dual threat right here.  Don’t miss out on this appealing smokey prospect, he’ll make you proud.     

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